Ways to earn money online
Hi guys today i am going to tell you something that has been posted, talked about already in many articles online and in videos. Today i am going to tell you how you guys can make money online. I will tell different methods and ways hot to do them.
Being a blogger myself i searched thousands of websites and read thousands of online Articles about "How to make money online?". I was left disappointed because, everyone talked about everything except the topic that they should have discussed about. Most of them were advertising or selling someone's or their own products. So, i asked myself is their a way that people can get what they need in one place rather than wondering around and wasting their time. I did a research on couple of things that people may benefit from them, before i tell you the ways i would like to tell you that what i am about to say is 100% Genuine and if you put you time into it you will succeed no matter what.
Here are the ways that you can earn online:
1) Domain flipping.
2) YouTube.
3) Freelancer.
4) Blogging Google Ad-sense.
5)Ebay & Amazon.
1) Domain Flipping:
What is domain flipping? you must have heard about it n your house or from your friend. Take an example of an old house that need some care and is sold after words for a higher price and you get profit from it. In domain flipping its same you buy a domain or a website work on it and then sell it for much higher price. Key factors are that you need to know domain value. Such as .com everyone knows .com is most used and is most powerful and profitable. Determining the value of a domain name is oftentimes thought of as a dark art. This is certainly true when it comes to "name-value". Who is to say that a domain name such as Ringtones.mobi is worth $50,000 or $150,000 - it's all in the name and how valuable that name is to someone.
As a Domain Flipper, value of name can be a great bonus, but it is not necessary to make the sale. By Flipping a Domain you create an investment that generates revenue for you each month as well as increasing in value itself! Take a look at the list below from Sedo.com one of the leading domain buying & selling services online.
As you can see through this chart which domain is getting more traffic and bids. Become a domain flipper you have to think smart and keep you self up to date, Trust me on this you can earn alot in a month.
2) YouTube:
Another way to earn money is from YouTube. How to do that?. Well , this is how it works you upload videos on YouTube promote you channel. This is how it works make a Gmail account and link your account with YouTube and start uploading videos. Make sure your content is real and of quality. Make sure you upload High quality videos, they can be about anything promote your videos and channel. Tell your friends post them on facebook, twitter or any social networking site to get more traffic to you channel.
Once you have good number of views and subscribers apply for youtube partners program. What they will do is that they will post ads on your videos and the amount of money generated through those ads you will get a Cheque at the end of the month.
Another way to earn money real fast in FreeLancer. Freelancer is where you can work online and get money for the work that you have done. Post your project and make an offer for it.You can check their website and browse the category which suits you the best. http://www.freelancer.co.uk/.
4) Blogging Google Ad-sense:
One of the best way and probably the most popular one is through blogging and getting approval from Google ad-sense. It is not easy to get approval from Google ad-sense, what you need to do is post at-least 30 quality genuine posts 100% your material not copy/paste. Your view should be about 600 promote your posts by posting them on social media websites to get more traffic. Your domain or blog should be at-least 3 months old. make sure you blog layout is simple and easy to navigate. Make sure you have written something about yourself letting google people know that everything is genuine, make contact us page.Make sure you post at-least one article a day. If you can leave blogger adn register your site and have a domain rather than using third party name. After all of the above things are met go to your Blogger on left hand side go to Earnings then click on Sign up for Google ad-sense. Once your ad-sense application is approved you can then display ads on your blog or website. Then you can start earning money right away.
5)Ebay & Amazon:
This method depends totally on you whether you want to do this or not. Another way to earn money online is through Ebay and amazon. How to do this? This method requires a little bit of capital. Suppose you saw a product X on Ebay worth £100 do a little research on that check its Manufactures retail price and see at what cost it is being sold on Ebay and amazon. Lets say on amazon it is being sold for £180 you buy that Product X and sell it on Amazon. This method is entirely up to you because, it requires patient and frankly speaking i have seen people making £1000's everyday. Well you must have got the idea now what i mean.
Tthese are all of Methods that i could think of hope that you would benefit from them.
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